Specialized kinesiology. So what now?

Have you ever wondered what is so special about SPECIALIZED KINESIOLOGY?

Specialized Kinesiology is a method by which we use Manual Muscle Testing to get the information the Body Mind Spirit connection wants to bring it in its desired state of Wellbeing. Manual Muscle Testing we retest whether we need to do more of the same or something else.

ManualMuscleTestingThe term ‘kinesiology‘ is derived from the Greek ‘kinesis’ and ‘logia’ and is often translated as ‘study of motion’. In particular ‘the study of how muscles act in concert to move the body’.

The term ‘Specialized Kinesiology‘ is used to indicate the many systems which have sprung from Applied Kinesiology. Touch for Health was the first offspring. Many followed soon afterwards Professional Kinesiology Provider, Applied Physiology, Three in One Concepts, Edu Kinesiology/Braingym, Behavioural Kinesiology, Energy Kinesiology, Biokinesiology, Body Talk, Hyperton-X  etc..

Applied Kinesiology – and Specialized Kinesiology as such – taps into the body’s unique capacity to heal itself. Both systems use ‘Manual Muscle Testing’ to find information from the Body Mind Spirit connection. This information is used to eliminate blocks to health and this state of Wellbeing. From this holistic approach to Wellness, it deals with underlying physical, emotional, mental and/or spiritual issues that limit us from being who we really are.

How did it begin?

In the late 1800’s D.D. Palmer rediscovered the science of chiropractic. Then in the early 1960s Dr. George Goodheart developed a new system for working with muscles. Using his basic ideas and combining them with chiropractic and ancient oriental practices. As John F. Thie introduced Touch for Health as a first aid self-help system specialized kinesiology as we now know came into being.

What does it encompass?

First and foremost we use information gathered through Manual Muscle Testing to find the steps to support the body into its Wellness or bring the body is this state of Wellbeing.

Basic Manual Muscle Testing exists of finding a ‘Strong’, ‘Weak’ or ‘Blocked’ muscle test. As you become more experienced in Manual Muscle Testing you find there are more possibilities [ gamma-1-gamma-2-g2-submaximal-uplink ]

To become proficient in Manual Muscle Testing it is important that you notice and accept the information as-is, because when you interfere with the outcome you confuse the system and you are not able to accomplish what you want, and that is to bring the body in this state of Wellbeing.

Using stacking, retention mode/pause lock you find the perfect combination that will help the Body Mind Spirit connection balance itself. Because the only thing we can do is offering to this connection what ever it needs to balance itself. The practitioner is able to offer all he knows as a professional and the Body Mind Spirit connection will gladly make use of these personal preferences. In his training he has also familiarised himself with NLP/hypnosis, TCM/acupressure, chakra healing etc.

What can it do for you?

As stated ‘Specialized Kinesiology is focussed on reinstating the feeling of Wellbeing’. Listening to the Body Mind Spirit connection we can offer it what it craves for.

Laying on my table you will find yourself relaxing more and more. And in doing so you automatically open your self to even find support for your unconscious mind. So we truly offer a holistic support for the Body Mind Spirit connection.

As a practitioner you are part of the system – just as a researcher is part of the research process – , meaning that the energy is likely to ask a correction that lies is the field of knowledge of the practioner. And there is a saying, ‘any thing can heal anything when it has priority’. For example, I myself was trained in Touch for Health, Three in One Concepts and Applied Physiology, cranio-sacral, Reiki, hypnosis. Ergo, the techniques I use reside within the realm of these learnings.

A ‘body not fit’ is a body with a bothered Body Mind Spirit connection. It is for you to decide whether you wish to lay down on the table and want to experience this procedure with the knowledge that what ever this Body Mind Spirit connection of you wants, it  gets through intervention of the practioner. Are you willing to undergo such a session?

~ 2015-4 – Huib Salomons – Practitioner Specialized Kinesiology

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Stroke of insight: A powerful story you cannot miss

FAST Stroke Warning Signs and Symptoms

FAST Stroke Warning Signs and Symptoms

Beyond F.A.S.T. – Other Symptoms You Should Know

  • Arm/Face/Leg: Sudden numbness or weakness of the leg, arm or face. Most likely on one side of the body, with abrupt onset. Sudden trouble walking.
  • Awareness: Sudden confusion or trouble understanding
  • Eyes: Sudden trouble seeing in one or both eyes.
  • Coordination: Sudden trouble walking, dizziness, loss of balance or coordination.
  • Headache: Sudden severe headache with no known cause.
  • Stomach: Possibly throwing up or the urge to be sick.
  • Body: Sudden overall fatigue.


What Is a Stroke?

A stroke indicates a lack of blood flow to the brain.

A stroke, sometimes referred to as a 1) cerebrovascular accident (CVA), 2) cerebrovascular insult (CVI), or 3) colloquially brain attack is the loss of brain function due to a disturbance in the blood supply to the brain. This disturbance is due to either ischemia (lack of blood flow) or hemorrhage.[1] As a result, the affected area of the brain cannot function normally, which might result in an inability to move one or more limbs on one side of the body, failure to understand or formulate speech, or a vision impairment of one side of the visual field. [ Wiki ]


Types of Strokes

Stroke symptoms may differ, depending upon the type of stroke, where it occurs in the brain, and how severe it is. A less severe stroke may be more difficult to recognize.

  • Ischemic stroke … when a vessel supplying blood to the brain becomes blocked. It can happen for a variety of reasons. For example, fatty deposits in arteries (atherosclerosis) can cause blood clots to form. Sometimes a blood clot forms in the heart from an irregular heartbeat called atrial fibrillation. It then travels to a place where it blocks an artery supplying the brain.
  • Hemorrhagic stroke … when a weakened blood vessel ruptures and bleeds into the brain. This can also happen for a variety of reasons.
  • Transient Ischemic Attack (T.I.A.) … a “mini stroke” from a temporary blockage. Although a TIA doesn’t cause permanent brain damage, it may cause stroke warning signs, which may last minutes or even hours. Think of this as a warning sign you shouldn’t ignore.

Silent stroke

A silent stroke is a stroke that does not have any outward symptoms, and the patients are typically unaware they have suffered a stroke.

  • Despite not causing identifiable symptoms, a silent stroke still damages the brain, and places the patient at increased risk for both transient ischemic attack and major stroke in the future.
    Conversely, those who have suffered a major stroke are also at risk of having silent strokes.[32]

In a broad study in 1998, more than 11 million people were estimated to have experienced a stroke in the United States.
Approximately 770,000 of these strokes were symptomatic and 11 million were first-ever silent MRI infarcts or hemorrhages.

  • Silent strokes typically cause lesions which are detected via the use of neuroimaging such as MRI. Silent strokes are estimated to occur at five times the rate of symptomatic strokes.[33][34]
  • The risk of silent stroke increases with age, but may also affect younger adults and children, especially those with acute anemia.[33][35]

[ Wiki ]

What to Do for a Stroke Victim

‘Call 911’ without delay when you observe any of these symptoms.

Don’t drive the patient yourself – Paramedic attention is required right away. They can begin treatment in the ambulance on the way to the hospital.

The victim himself may not be able to call 911. He may not be able to lift his arm or speak clearly. Or he may just act confused or unaware. That’s why it’s so important to understand the major signs of stroke.


IMPRESSIVE!! A powerful story about how our brains define us and connect us to the world and to one another told in:

Stroke of insight: Jill Bolte Taylor on TED.com

Meet – neuroanatomist – Jill Bolte Taylor!!! – She had an opportunity few brain scientists would wish for: One morning, she realized she was having a massive stroke. And as it happened she studied and remembered every moment. Now take a moment and listen to her story as she tells about how she felt and remembers her brain functions slip away one by one: speech, movement.

Listen to her ultimate experience she still is very emotional under – An impression that all has to do with different functioning of the neural pathways. Producing impression one will remember for ever. Keep in mind that these impressions can also manifest while you are practizing meditation. It is possible!! An experience there are no words for. Now told by a neuroanatomist! Enjoy.

>> www.ted.com/index.php/talks/view/id/229

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Energetisch solliciteren

‘Energetisch Solliciteren’, solliciteren vanuit energetisch perspectief

Iedereen weet hoe moeilijk het kan zijn om te een baan te vinden. Zeker in deze tijden. Ik weet het uit eigen ervaring. We hebben er allerlei verklaringen voor.

  • Het is de leeftijd.
  • Het is mijn ervaring.
  • Het is mijn sekse.
  • Het is mijn certificering.

In dit schrijven wil ik een andere tactiek aanbieden om jezelf een plek op de arbeidsmarkt te verschaffen, namelijk ‘Energetisch Solliciteren‘.

Heb je er wel eens gedacht aan de kwaliteit van je energieveld?

Tijdens de ‘Sollicitatiecursus’ – die ik van het UWV aangeboden kreeg – was het eerste wat aan bod kwam ‘Traumaverwerking’ met het doel om na deze fase creatief met nieuw elan weer te gaan solliciteren. En dat is goed! Maar …

.. hoe verder als het ondanks dat toch niet lukt? Waar krijg je dan energie van als je totaal energetisch aan de grond zit, ondanks de wel-bedoelde traumaverwerking?

Je zult eerst met jezelf aan de slag moeten om jezelf weer ‘Energetisch gezond‘ te voelen.

De definitie van ‘Energetisch gezond voelen’ is, “in staat zijn je lichaam weer aan te voelen alsof er het een schild van energie uitstraalt, alsof er een aura van energie het lichaam omgeeft.



Als niets anders werkt om je weer aan het werk te krijgen, bereid je dan voor door aan je energieschild te werken. Mogelijk werkt het net als een magnetisch veld. Daar, voor jou om die baan te vinden die jou het beste past.

Sommige mensen hebben genoeg elan – geestdrift – om dit ‘schild’ automatisch te genereren, anderen zullen er echt aan moeten werken. Net zoals je eraan moet werken om een overmaat aan gewicht te verliezen.

“Ik kan mij nog goed herinneren. Het is 19 mei 1984 en mijn werk als ‘stedenbouwkundig tekenaar’  te Deventer was tot een eind gekomen. Ik was jong en vol Energie. Daarom ging ik naar het uitzendbureau (Randstad) en vond daar een baan bij het Rijks Computercentrum te Apeldoorn. Een werkplek die ik 25 jaar heb mogen invullen. [HS]”

Je kunt alleen positieve dingen creëren vanuit een positieve instelling, een positief gevoel, een positieve basishouding

Sinds kort – luisterend naar Esther ‘Abraham’ Hicks – houd ik mij tegenwoordig bezig met ‘Creëren van je eigen werkelijkheid’ op basis van de ‘Law of Attraction’. De kern van deze werkwijze is gebaseerd op “de opdracht om je zelf in een positieve instelling – attitude – te brengen van waaruit alle positieve intenties zich MOETEN manifesteren“.

Maar hoe doe je dat dan?!

Vanochtend werd ik wakker met een sterke input om een ‘energetisch schild’ te voelen om mijn lichaam. Het is vanuit deze impuls dat ik deze weblog schrijf.

Het is mijn intentie om anderen – ook jou – aan te zetten bewust te gaan creëren of het nu werk, geld, relatie, informatie, situatie.

Behavioral filters (People, Places, Things, Information, and Activity). [NLP]

De procedure voor het ‘ENERGETISCH SOLLICITEREN’

Stap 1. Houd je bewust bezig met het schild .. te genereren, aan te voelen, voeding te geven.
[P.S. Ik ben benieuwd of dit het ‘ei van Columbus’ is.]

Stap 2. Eenmaal bewust van dit schild – Esther ‘Abraham’ Hicks zou het misschien de ‘high-flying disc’ noemen – ga je ervaren of deze hypothese hout snijdt.

Ik ben zelf wars van dingen manifesteren die ik graag denk te willen. Ik wil deze hypothese testen door mij te alliëren met The-Source-I-am-Born-With [TSIABW]. Het is mijn stelligste overtuiging dat TSIABW het beste met mij voor heeft en dat het mij brengt waar ik het beste ingezet kan worden.

Stap 3. Controleren of het schild nog stand houdt en bewust worden van wat gemanifesteerd wordt.

Uitnodiging om actief te gaan solliciteren

Ik nodig je uit om deel te nemen aan dit experiment ‘Energetisch Solliciteren’ zelf aan den lijve te ondervinden. Je hebt niets te verliezen en kan alleen maar een betere leefsituatie creëren. Een leefsituatie waarvoor je áltijd zelf verantwoordelijk bent.

Huib Salomons – Practitioner Gespecialiseerde Kinesiologie


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Seven steps to Heart based Manifestation

Original By Jason Lincoln Jeffers

Remember the age-old saying, “Where there is a will, there is a way”. Humans have iron wills. They keep going, and are willing to do whatever it takes to manifest their creative ideas into reality. And what do they achieve? ‘Competition wars’ where there is corrupt interaction from one competitor to another. Likely to result in sleepless nights and tons of unnecessary, energy-depleting stress, which, over time, leads to disease and premature death. And all for what? Money? Status?

You know you can do better. Start manifesting from within your heart, today.

Heart based manifestation is about ‘Inner Peace’

With ‘Heart based manifestation’ one puts ‘Inner Peace’ before ‘The Desire for Wealth or Achievement.

  • ‘Heart based manifestation’ is about ‘creating from complete and total presence’. Presence does not enter into the equation because the Now always dissolves the ego, and therefore the ego will do everything it can to evade it by projecting your mind into the future or past.
  • ‘Mind-based manifestation’ on the other hand ‘creates from the ego’, Mind-based creative goals can be achieved! Yet they always come with a price. Based on the law of attraction: ‘like attracts like’, the ego can only attract to itself other like egos. One can observe this all the time. For example, when aim to create a business for yourself and you manifest it from the mind, chances are you find that your competitors in the marketplace will perceive you as a threat to their very survival. And here is why! As you assert your ego – especially in the business world – you will automatically offend other egos. This results in ‘competition wars’ where there is corrupt interaction from one competitor to another. Likely to result in sleepless nights and tons of unnecessary, energy-depleting stress, which, over time, leads to disease and premature death. And all for what? Money? Status?

The seven steps for ‘Heart based Manifestation’

  1. Be mindful.
  2. Listen to your heart.
  3. Belief.
  4. Build upon enthusiasm, excitement, and passion for your idea.
  5. Focused action.
  6. Be patient, be persistent.
  7. Be grateful.

Step 1: Be mindful – ‘Heart based manifestation’ starts with ‘how to transcend your ego and it’s shadow, the pain-body’. Until you do, you won’t be able to manifest a bean from the heart.

Stop ‘manifesting from the mind’, because this always results in some form of suffering along with whatever you’ve created.

Step 2: Listen to your heart – Imaging or imagining an idea cannot be forced. It can only come spontaneously to you when you are calm, passive, and not lost in the mind. This is where meditation is key.

  • Heart-based creative ideas can only come to you when you are present and still. When you are able to achieve this peaceful place of non thought. Your heart will allow a creative idea to be received. After all, when the mind is full one cannot receive , creative messages from the Universe.
  • Everything that has been created in this world of form began with a single idea, a creative thought.
  • From a place of deep-seated presence, listen to/observe what you want, and in as much detail as you can, as “God is in the details.”

Recording your creative thoughts in a journal with specific details of whatever it is you wish to achieve, is recommended And then let it go.

Oprah wrote in her journal over twenty years ago that she would own a television network someday. And now she does! It’s called ‘OWN’. But the universe cannot deliver to you until you place your order, and in detail.

Step 3: Belief – You have to believe in your idea. Belief is the most powerful creative tool you have. Without it, no amount of thinking or feeling would be able to manifest as a single form of creation.

  • When you fail to fully believe in what you’re attempting to create, you fail to create. It’s that simple.
  • ‘Heart-based manifestation’ does not work from positive thoughts or imaging alone. It can’t. This is where faith, trust, and surrender are released from the heart. This source of unconditional love.
  • ‘Heart-based manifestation’ is exercising the true power of the heart. Without belief, nothing, no thing can be manifested.

Step 4: Build upon enthusiasm, excitement, and passion for your idea – These heart-based emotions.vibrate with high-frequency,

  • Imaging combined with passion becomes very powerful, when you are enthusiastic about your idea. The Collective Mirror will – in turn – be just as enthusiastic. This is because whatever the Reflective Universe presents to you is always a mirror of your inner emotional state. Positive or negative, the choice is yours.
  • When you’re halfhearted about your idea, your chances of seeing it to fruition are nil.

Step 5: Focused action – It is crucial to have a laser-like focus on what you want. Don’t allow other people or situations to distract you, dissuade you, or weigh you down.

  • Like with tunnel vision focus on your goals.
  • Pour all your energy into whatever it is you are doing in the present moment.
  • Remember you cannot manifest from reactive energy. Every time you try, you will fail. For example, if you’re desperately trying to create a new business because 1) your current one is failing, or 2) you’re afraid of being fired by your current employer, or 3) the bank has threatened to foreclose on your home, then you’re only pushing back on the Universe and saying no to what already is. This is ‘reaction’, not action.

    You are attempting to create out of desperation, you are reacting out of fear, and fear can only manifest another like reality of fear.

  • When you stop – collect yourself, become still for a while, and surrender to the universe – you will find that the so-called problems you were having will dissolve, allowing for your anxieties to subside.

Only when it comes to you spontaneously and intuitively to take action and manifest a new business for your Self, a whole new vibratory energy emerges. This is when the heart syncs with the universe and you’ll be good to go.

Step 6: Be patient, be persistent – Most current humans are completely unaware of the ‘Law of Attraction’ as they are manifesting their own reality with a mixed bag of positive and negative emotions combined with frequent mind changes, temper flare-ups, anxiety attacks, chats about their weekly dramas with everyone they know. Thus they empower and make these emotions stronger. Finally because they keep creating their own problems out of challenges, they simply throw their arms up in the air and give up completely on whatever it is they want to manifest.

  • Once you decide on what you want, don’t stop creating it just because you don’t see it manifest overnight or within the timeframe that you’ve anticipated. This is another reason why the current human so frequently fails to reach his goals. He presumes that manifestation must occur according to his schedule.
  • It’s as if the ego says, “The universe must bring me what I want, how I want it, and when I want it.” And so, because the universe takes its time – mostly so it can make your dreams as solid as possible – the current human runs out of patience, and consequently fails to reach his goals. He fails because he stops being in the Now, and starts buying into the illusion of failure.

Remember, you only fail when you quit. As long as you keep getting up, in spite of apparent “setbacks,” you’ll find that those setbacks were, in fact, necessary for you. If you give up on your heartfelt dreams, you may as well give up on life itself.

Step 7: Be grateful – Being grateful for even the smallest things takes your consciousness away from your mind and straight into your heart. It is the creative Self ’s way of saying yes to what is.

  • When you’re not grateful for everything you have, no matter how inconsequential it may seem to you, you will never manifest anything long lasting.  When you do manage to manifest something, it will most certainly be short-lived.
  • Know that the Universe takes away from those who are ungrateful and gives to those who are grateful. This is simply the law. When you learn to observe the law, you’ll find that you’ll end up with more abundance than you ever dreamed of.

    The reason for this is simple. The evolving Universe is designed by the Source to grow in accordance with ‘Selflessness from the Heart’, not ‘Selfishness from the Mind’.

Final word

‘Heart based manifestation’ can only grow from Love – Love for what is and what want to present itself. And so when you are grateful for everything you have – even if you’re living in a shack and riding a bicycle to work – the Universe can only keep rewarding your heart’s desires.

  • If you become greedy, selfish, or ungrateful for what you have, the Reflective Universe is going to mirror those feelings and take away what you have.
  • If you start playing the victim by complaining about it or becoming bitter or angry, then it will take away even more from you.

To the unbiased Universe, it won’t matter how important you think you are. It doesn’t mind. It’s just doing its job!

So, you know, create from the Heart and be grateful!

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Growing your thought / feeling energy creates peace or bliss

Learn and Practice One of These Two Meditation Techniques and You Will Easily Experience Deep States of Meditation and Bliss

Learn MeditationWhether you are looking to deepen your meditation, attain self realization or you just simply want to experience more peace and bliss in your life, then learning one of these two meditation techniques is a must. These meditations come down to focus your thought energy.

Active meditation techniques based on focusing your thought energy – These techniques are active meditation techniques; they are something you do, something you focus on. This type of technique is needed so you can start to focus your mind. In focusing your mind, awareness begins to grow and the subtle energy – also known as Shakti – begins to be activated in your body. Once this energy becomes awakened and starts to flow, it manifests itself as peace and bliss.

Here are two methods for this active meditation technique. Continue reading

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Atman the Divine Spark

Atman, the divine spark

I knew it since I was 17 years. There was this moment in time when I held this speech in front of my classmates. I remember I was so nervous. It was my first public speech. The subject was – as I vaguely remember – yoga. I talked about Atman and Brahman.

Now 42 years later I do believe this understanding is the most important subject in my life. Something worth investigating.

Self realization is all about becoming aware of the presence of Atman. Self is Atman. Atman is merely an image (divine spark) of the greater flame (Brahman).

What all yogi’s and other religious people have done, is training their nervous system. So it is sensitized to the other frequencies that are necessary to even become aware of Self (Atman).

Now one can take the chemical route (lucid drugs, DMT), but that is a choice one has to make for oneself.


Samadhi is a state in which you transcend the bounds of your body, mind, and self-identity and merge into an undifferentiated unity with all that is. It is also the process of meditating with increasingly concentrated awareness until you reach that state. [1]

To have an understanding what it is like to be aware of Self, think yourself of being in a state of Samadhi.

The first hint of samadhi is one of joy, peace and overall well-being. You can achieve it while meditating, exercising vigorously, or even while enjoying a sublime moment such as listening to music or watching a sunset. When you experience it you lose track of time and you temporarily become completely absorbed in your experience in the moment. While fleeting, these experiences hint at what awaits you if you pursue more profound levels.

The next phase involves a steadier state of consciousness, and for many people achieving it requires deliberate effort. When you reach this level, you experience yourself as a point of awareness that exists beyond your body, mind, emotions, and personality. While remaining perfectly aware of them, you no longer consider them to be parts of your identity. You perceive them as tools that you can use or, in the case of your personality, as a collection of experiences you’ve acquired.

In this stage of samadhi you enjoy profound and lasting peace, but your sense of yourself as a separate being remains intact.

Further levels of samadhi

When you know yourself as a point of awareness that exists beyond your physical self, you can develop abilities to explore other dimensions and realities beyond this physical reality, other lifetimes, other timelines, and other ways of being.

It is at this stage that direct contact with the Divine becomes possible through your deliberate seeking. Eventually you realize that no matter how many fantastic, growth-promoting, or ecstatic experiences that you enjoy, you are still exploring the realm of duality.

Unity with the Divine lies beyond all experiences of duality and separateness. So you may strive to progress beyond occasional glimpses and connections with the Divine in order to merge completely with It.

Samadhi of Divine Union

In order to achieve samadhi of Divine union you must dissolve your individual sense of self as a separate being. This is no easy task and many people find this extremely challenging.

There is no single way of achieving this dissolution, but the path you’ve followed up until now prepares you to a certain extent. Relinquishing your identity as a body, mind and personality helps to shed your self-concepts. Traveling to alternative realities, encountering nonphysical beings, experiencing past lives and greater parts of your Higher Self imbues you with an expanded sense of who you truly are.

And so, whether by stripping away your layers of identity until nothing remains, or by expanding your experience of self to include all things, or by other means, such as expressing pure unlimited love and devotion, you relinquish all sense of separateness and dissolve into the pure bliss and radiant light that is Unity with all that is.

The Height of Divine Samadhi

In this state, there is no time. There is no place. There is no effort. There is no sense of anything other than yourself as all things. Up to this point the universe seems like an infinite place filled with an infinite number of things. In this state there is no universe. There is no infinity. There is nothing to experience, because you are no longer separate from that which you are experiencing. You are neither conscious, nor are you unconscious. You simply are.

The state is so profound that leaving it is something you won’t want to do. And some spiritual masters make the choice not to. Yet those of us with more to do in human form must eventually return to the Earth plane.

When we do, we return forever changed. Because even after separating our individual awareness from that Divine unity, we retain the realization of our true nature as being inseparable from all that is. And thus we are able to consciously act as individuals within the physical realm while maintaining our awareness of Divine samadhi.

Each level of samadhi is an experience of growth on a path of spiritual development, and each level can be of great benefit depending on your life circumstances and particular needs.

[1] http://higherselfguides.com/free-articles/good-questions/what-is-samadhi/

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comments what is muscle testing and how does it work

What is muscle testing and how does it work commented.

Regularly, I read – on the internet – articles where the writer is claiming that … muscle testing can be done without going into trance. Who are they kidding? Trance is a normal state of being in everyday life. And suddenly you can start changing people without going in trance?! In a previous article I summed up the various types of trance. I can understand their point of view! … When someone has no training in hypnosis, you suspect you do not do hypnosis. Hypnosis is as basic to life as is eating, breathing or sleeping [for that matter].

As an example I took the time to comment on one of such articles: “What is muscle testing and how does it work?” written by Jonathan Livingstone

No need for a hypnotic state?

“Muscle testing is a way of getting information from the body – from the unconscious – in a similar way to using a pendulum, or finger signals (called ideo-motor responses) in hypnosis. […]
The advantage of kinesiology is that, unlike hypnosis, this access is readily available without the time and effort required to induce a hypnotic trance.” [articlesbase.com]

If we use “something .like. hypnosis”, then why is it so hard to accept that it is hypnosis we do? We do induce a hypnotic trance, only not as formal as it is teached in hypnosis class. The person goes into that relaxed state just because we move the limbs. Repetition makes dull, makes relaxed.

Yes is strong, no is weak

“If the muscle gives way and the arm moves, we call this an unlocking muscle, which indicates stress or the answer no. If the muscle holds and the arm stays still, we call this a locking muscle, which indicates no stress or the answer yes.” [articlesbase.com]

This is only true to make things .simple.. The truth is more like … “before  you test for indicator change, you should test what is the baseline! In other words, what is the status of the muscle test right now. Is it weak or is it strong? If it is blocked (check by doing the spindle cell technique) you can expect to get .no answer. at all”.  An indicator change then reflects whether a stimulus opposes stress or not.

Types of stimili

A stimulus may be a substance or a thought. [articlesbase.com]

And there are more: a disturbed (acupuncture) point, a situation, a feeling etcetera. Anything that can produce an indicator change.

Without any need for trance or change in [mental] state.

“Muscle testing, which takes only a few moments to carry out (although the appropriate pre-tests should be performed first to ensure accuracy), is able to communicate directly with the unconscious body. Without any need for trance or any change in state, muscle testing can identify psychological or environmental stressors and the best remedies for those stressors. It is therefore a very powerful tool in the hands of a competent therapist or coach for both the resolution of problems and the achievement of optimum performance.” [articlesbase.com]

Without the need for trance?! At first this may seem the case! But the longer the practitioner is muscle testing the client, the more the client is trained to go into that other state … where she is relaxed and just lets it happen. And the more someone is relaxed the more she will .go in trance..

Go in trance first!

Before a practitioner starts muscle testing, the practitioner gets the best result when he goes .in trance. first. Because when muscle testing, one should empty his mind first and be ready to feel/sense what Mind Body Spirit is communicating.

I, too, had difficulties learning to muscle test on a consistent basis. Only when I had the epiphany that “you must accept … what Mind Body Spirit is answering”, I was ready to see what is happening. And the only way to make that happen, is to make your mind clear … which is equal to .go in trance. first.

Huib Salomons
Practitioner Specialized Kinesiology

Posted in hypnosis, indicator change, kinesiology, muscle test, trance | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

what is it like to be in trance

What is it like to “be in trance”?

Instances of trance

  • Did you daydream today? Of course you have.
  • Remember that certain time you missed a freeway exit, because you were lost in thought or you were absorbed in a conversation with your passenger?
  • Oh yeah, once I looked for my keys everywhere, when the other came. She pointed me out, they were right before my nose.
  • Have you ever been so absorbed in reading your book you did not hear the other was saying to you?
  • Remember vividly these feelings/sensations you experience when you were doing that thing you love doing so. Yes, that one time in particular. You know when! What is it?

Trance is characterized by: narrowed attention, dissociated awareness, and increased rapport with and access to the unconscious mind.

‘All corrections are done in the now’ and ‘all therapy is based on hypnosis’ is actually incorrect.

When you defuse an issue at an earlier time, you actually ask the person to go back to that time.
[Comment: You and the client are in the now and will never be in that other time-space.]

The subconscious has a complete memory of everything that has ever happened to you and how you felt. So when you age recess, the person does NOT remember the event, we find how they felt about a certain event that relates to what is going on now.
[Comment: A person can only go back in sensing/feeling when she goes into a trance .. altered state of mind, aka hypnosis. A person does not need to have her “eyes closed” to have these sensations/feelings.]

Using eye modes, we defuse the negative emotion on that event then infuse a positive emotion on the same event. This changes our perception of that event and correspondingly our perception of the current event.
[Comment: True, as you underline we make the correction in the now. Only I recommend you use correction(s) Mind Body Spirit wants as it offers them as you correct the situation in the present state … and eye modes is one of the possibilities to consider.]

The client is fully awake and cognisant to what is happening. So there is no trance to remember what happened and although the subconscious has ‘remembered’ the conscious has not. The subconscious has set you up mentally, emotionally and physically at the time of the original stress, and although your mind is present in the now, your subconscious is not.
[Comment: Fooling around with the subconscious is changing  sensation/feelings … is hypnosis [1].]

This is all based on the premise that we do not want people to go back into the original stress or stressful situation. Usually the original stress comes from a circumstance in the first 7 years of life.
[Comment: We do let the client reconnect with these sensations/feelings in the now. So we can make the same corrections we used in the present state. Mind Body Spirit is trained for these corrections in the present state and now knows – easily and gently – to use these corrections to let go of these triggers that relate to that situation(s) not only in the past, but also … future or as constant reminder (red-line) … is timeline correction.]

[Reaction on a comment in Linkedin group Muscle Testing Kinesiology]

Trance is recognized by:

    • Relax, relaxation.
    • Release the pulse and breath.
    • Eyelids about half or catalepsy eye.
    • Catalepsy of the limbs. (Typical use of muscle testing!!)
    • Focuses on the inside.
    • Reduction in receiving external stimuli.
    • Possible partial amnesia.
    • Increased perception.
    • Illusion activates kinesthetic.
    • Better quality visualization.
    • You can open your eyes in trance.
    • Deep concentration.
    • You can limit your attention only to the words.
    • Increased susceptibility to suggestions.
    • Hallucination of sounds and pictures.

Trance is a “state of mind where you sense/feel in a particular way”. There are many variations of trance one can experience. It is all a matter of definition.

To keep it practical, imagine a balance with two scales. One is “negative” and one is “positive”. When the two scales are in balance, let us say you live in the .now.. When one of the scales is heavier, the more emphasize is put upon that side: “negative” or “positive”.

What is it like to live in the .now.?

You remember this state is present when you .are in the now.. Meaning your sensing/feeling is totally focussed on this moment. Everything you are doing, you do with heightend Attention.

  • You sense/feel everything optimally.
  • You sense/feel everything around you on a different level.
  • You can broaden the limitations to your wishes.
  • You can become aware of the energies that are at play.
  • You can tune into the energy of the other.
  • You have optimal rapport with your inner and outer world. Igor Ledochowski (Converstational Hypnosis) calls this state: “H plus”.

What does it mean, “one side or the other is heavier”?

Well, in short this means ….

  • You ar NOT living in the .now..
  • You do not have ears or eyes for what you are doing in particular.
  • You are doing the things on .autopilot., while your sensing/feeling/thinking is being busy with “thing” your mind/conscious is focussing on.

When “negative” has the upper hand, you can label this as: “you keep yourself busy with a trigger you did not release yet or just not enough” [.not resolved issues.].

This can be something …

  • from the past (obsession – necessity),
  • you project in the future (fobia – desire),
  • that is as a “red line” in your life (neurosis – drive),
  • you crave for (addiction – possibility).

Your subconscious is offering this imagery/feeling/sensation so you to know/resolve now. Your  system is in overload. There is simply no time to relax … or is there?  Take a deep breath!

When “positive” has the upper hand, you can label this as: “you keep yourself busy with altered states of mind where you can have .out of body experiences. [OOBE]”.  These are processes and imagenings, that are not related  to .not resolved issues..
Or you are in – what is commonly known as – an hypnotic state [1]. A state where you are deeply relaxed, your mind is relaxed and your body is relaxed. In this hypnotic state you can enter the realm of your subconscious [.in body experience.] You can talk to this .other I.. The one that supports you, protects you and wants to cooperate with your conscious. The goal of this state in general is to assist you to reprogram your subconscious to act in a different way. Thus supporting you to be able to live life to its fullest.

Now this is a black and white picture. But more often then not there are various shades of gray.

Train you neurological system to become more sensitive.

When you are relaxed, your brain is in a different state. It produces .alpha. waves and when you relax even deeper your brain produces .theta. waves. [Brainwaves]
Many studies have shown that it is benificial to train yourself to have your brain produce slower brainwaves (other then .Beta. waves).

Furthermore a .clear. neurological system – free from old triggers – can help you amp up the capacity of your neurological pathways, which is the main goal of meditation.

Huib Salomons
Practitioner Specialized Kinesiology

[1] Hypnosis – for me – is the whole picture of the balance with the scales. And the optimal hypnotic state is that of H plus, where you have the heightend awareness of the moment. The latter state can help a practitioner in  healthcare – in general – to produce better result with his session.

Also read:


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now | possibilities of the moment

The possibilities of now

Recently I had a group conversation on where I stated: “A correction is always made in the now” and “All therapy is based in hypnosis”. [LinkedIn 1LinkedIn 2]

Hallo, my name is Huib Salomons and I am a practitioner of Specialized Kinesiology. I took part in a discussions on LinkedIn: Muscle Testing Kinesiology. In these discussions I made these statements: “A correction is always made in the now” and All therapy is based in hypnosis”. The group was not very pleased, because they did not interpret their work as such. Nevertheless I have to stay behind my statements, because I came on them through my work as practitioner.

Fact is … discussions can trigger one to think more deeply about the subject. And that is what this blog is all about.

Possibilities of the now

Muscle testing is our tool of the trade. When we do not measure, we do not know where we are. When you do not know what to correct and how to correct, you are making educated guesses. When you correct an indicator change – muscle test reversing in indication -, you may hold points, release tissue, do NLP-like interventions etc.

  • “A correction is always made in the now” is based on the fact that – as I learned at NOT  – correction(s) are first made in the .present state.. It is required you remember this sequence. Then you look for imbalances .in time. while you test. When you find an indicator change you correct this imbalance with the same corrections you found earlier (Timeline correction). Because there is only .now., you now have the possibility to release these trigger effect(s) you find while you travel along the timeline and you use the same sequence as you used while you were in the .present state..
  • All therapy is based in hypnosis”. This traveling along the timeline, is only possible because we  can .dream. ourselves in times past, times to come and what ever you can imagine. (I use my own recognized possiblities on the timeline)
    And while you .dream. yourself into other times you are in hypnosis (sleep).

Living is the .now. is key. Ever since my adolescence I am intrigued by Mindfulness as lectured by Krishnamurti, Sri Aurobindo, Paramahansa Yogananda. I must admit until now I am only dreaming about it, idealizing it. Living in the .now. is a must for every being in this Universe.

What makes it impossible for most of us to live in the .now.? Our unresolved experiences! Unresolved experiences live on the timeline. They distract us from being in the .now., because they constantly are triggered as we do what we do. The subconscious is constantly throwing them into our consciousness so you have the possibility to learn and let go.

It is our goal as practitioners of Specialized Kinesiology to help clients overcome these unresolved experiences, so we have to ability to live in the .now.. And while we were learning Specialized Kinesiology we ourselves were subject to these changes that occur because of this work.

There is only now. My favorite books were “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance” (Robert M. Pirsig), books from Carlos Castaneda and  about Mindfulness. They gave me the insight of the importance of .now. I am writing about here.

What happens when you live totally in the .now.? You have the ability to experience altered states of being. Physically, it means your neurological systems are free from distractions (emotional, physical) so the capacity of energy can amp up along the “wires”. Thus giving you sensations of altered states of being. It gives us the ability to tune in to that what Always Is.

According to Carlos Castaneda, living in the .now. is “bringing your world to a stop“, meaning your “thinking ceases and you are“. This is the ultimate state of mindfulness.

At Specialized Kinesiology  we aim to “defuse stresses” (3-in-1 Concepts) in the neurological systems, tissues, feeling/thinking.

One of the most important areas in the neurological system to defuse of stresses, is the brainstem/midbrain. It is important to defuse these areas, because they resemble our reptilian brain. The part of our brain that is responsible for survival. Result of activation/defusing these areas have astonishing possibilities [midbrain activation]

With this blog I gave you the reason why I wanted to write this blog, I gave you insight in how a stress defusion may occur and most of all I gave a hint to the importance of living in the .now.

Living it the .now. is the only time we have.
Living in the .now. opens ways to expericience altered states of being.

Ain’t that cool.

Huib Salomons
Practitioner of Specialized Kinesiology

Posted in defuse stress, hypnose, hypnosis, kinesiology, midbrain, muscle test | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Ondamed | electro magnetic acupuncture

Ondamed transmits soundwaves

The Ondamed frequency generator (ONDAMED) is build in such a way that it can transmit through the handheld, neck and/or other applicators:

  • Frequency Modulated waves (FM)
  • Amplitude Modulated waves (AM)
  • Electro magnetic Modulated waves (EM)

It is with these Electro magnetic Modulated waves this frequency generator is working on the acupuncture meridians, as the programmed waves are all corresponding with well defined frequencies that correlate with the meridians we all know too well from acupuncture. The AM and FM waves are added as an add-on to the transmission.

Ondamed machine with applicators (neck and hand)

Variation is obtained by:

  • Octave
  • Length of time
  • Intensity

Using the computer program

I use the computer program to make my life working with the Ondamed easy. The computer is connected to the Ondamed and can interface directly with the Ondamed’s operating system.

This computer program works as a graphical user interface (GUI), so I have more flexibility in my performance. I ideomotor-test my own scripts and save them as an .oda file.

In fact I started to save the results (script) from program 11 in my directory called “OnTheFly”, for future use. A beautiful resourceful name don’t you think?! Why save these scripts? Because testing and working with clients I may have stumbled over a series of frequencies that refer to an usable combination in my overall repertoire of programs/scripts that are Universal in nature. In doing so – in time – I will have a whole repository of scripts Mind Body Spirit wants me to select from.

A beautiful thing is that it is possible to select a single line as “Main Line”. The purpose of this main line is that it offers me the possibility to work with this line only.

The influence from Mind Body Spirit

As we are using ideomotor indicators as Vascular Autonomic Signal (VAS) or muscle testing, we tune into to intelligence of Mind Body Spirit. Ergo we heavily build on the input on the bodies intelligence.

[ 1 ] … The most effective way of determining the optimal frequencies is through “biofeedback” using the radial arterial pulse commonly known as VAS.

The VAS evolved from the work of a French physician, Dr. Paul Nogier, who taught neurology at the medical school in Lyon, France. In 1966, Dr. Nogier discovered that the Vascular Autonomic Signal (VAS) was evoked in the radial pulse when he touched certain points on the ear of a patient.
Subsequently, he discovered that the arterial system responds in a reproducible manner to a variety of changes to key physiological systems in the body.

To be specific, the VAS is a rapid change in the tone of the smooth muscles in the walls of the arterial system throughout the body, mediated by sympathetic and parasympathetic neurons.
Detectable changes in the pulse are triggered by specific events within the body. The effect is consistent and is both repeatable and measurable by modern equipment.

The response that is felt by the practitioner is a qualitative variation in the perception of the pulse that begins from 1 to 3 cycles after the stimulus begins and continues for about 8 to 15 cardiac cycles.
Dr. Nogier found that there are four pulse responses to stimuli:
1. no response,
2. the weakening of the pulse signal (negative VAS),
3. increase of the pulse signal (positive VAS), and
4. a sharp pulse spike.

These responses occur from colors, magnetically induced currents, sound frequencies, light waves, emotions, touch, substances, and electromagnetic frequencies. Both diagnostic and therapeutic tools are based on this phenomenon.

Note: VAS is sometimes referred to as Peripheral Arterial Tonometry (PAT).

Yes, I am aware using this ideomotor-method – because of its premises – is not for everyone, because there are many that can not or will not rely on the input of something obscure as Mind Body Spirit. So be it!

In the practice

I find this apparatus an asset to my practice as I work with specialized kinesiology. Even though I still don’t know its effects, I know Mind Body Spirit ask for it to use in every session. Sometimes speeding up the session dramatically.

Huib Salomons
Practitioner Specialized Kinesiology

Posted in frequencies, meridian, mind body spirit, muscle test, muscletest, Ondamed, specialized kinesiology | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments